Live Inspired.

Creativity is An Obsession.


Welcome to the site of Artist, Author and Designer, David W Litwin. Here you will discover many of the works that I have produced across a broad spectrum of fields. My hope is that you will catch some of my passion and carry it on to your future accomplishes. Live Inspired and Stay in Wonder!

Addiction is a multi-headed hydra that plagues tens of millions in the United States every year. But what is addiction. We understand it as a biologic and neurologic phenomenon, but is there more going on with Addiction than we may realize?

In Addiction’s Tipping Point, Author and Strategist, David Litwin, not only details new insights on what is really going on in addiction, but also unveils how and why Addiction “tipped” in society in the last decade.

Written a decade ago, this book is even more relevant today, as the insights and tactics in this book have only accelerated in our culture.

Get this Book for Free!

What if your life is more than just a series of random, disconnected events?

What if you are more than just a bunch of chemicals and matter?

What is you are a LIVING MASTERPIECE?

It’s easy to hear those words as a religious or inspirational metaphor, but what if it is a SCIENTIFIC REALITY? Through a recent scientific discovery at the center of physical existence, science has uncovered that you exist inside of a living painting. They just will not admit it.

Click on the image here to watch the full video on YouTube, and decide for yourself just how much significance and value your life contains! Science has spoken. YOU ARE A MASTERPIECE!

Journey on MEDIUM

On January 8, 2023 I made a conscious decision to be more intentional in my writing on Below is the current statistics of what has happened since. I am just getting started, and learning more every day. I also started my own PUBLICATION so if you want to write for me, check it out!




>> 100+ NEW FANS

>> 2,300 VIEWS / 600 READS


Do You Write to Change the World? The Six People You’ll Meet Along the Journey

Are you a thought leader, creative writer, or cultural influencer? Do you spend hours per week reading or writing on sites like Medium? You’re probably a world changer or you like learning from them. <more>

An Easy Way to Uncover Hidden Passions

I believe we all carry unique passions given to us to change the world. The world beats many of us down to the core, so we never consider them.

Here’s a way to push beyond that. <more>

Let’s Connect!

Unlike some authors who are impossible to get a hold of, I love to connect with my audience. I thrive on engaging, thoughtful dialog across a broad spectrum of topics, so feel to reach out here with your contact info and I’ll get back to you right away. I’m sure I’ll shower you with lots of free goodies and special promotions, so let’s start a conversation today!

What I’m Thinking

About Now.

This “Transcendent Worldview?”

A few days ago a former Christian turned skeptic asked me why I continued to believe in God, based on a conversation we had on Medium. He appreciated how I had presented a faith he no longer believed in, and wanted more answers. The following is what I wrote back:

Great question brother. Most people "believe" in Christianity for two reasons, the experience they have had with a real God, and the affirmations they discover in that God's Book. The first part is personal, the second is a worldview. The problem is that those people attempt to USE that worldview to get others into the fold. The problem with the worldview argument is that you are forcing people INTO your worldview to win the argument, and then convert. (unless they see the transformation in your own life and are drawn to that). So basically, I have to convince that God exists (through my worldview) before I can convince you that God exists. It doesn't work on a cultural level, and it forces the Christian individual to go to the "faith" card when they are faced with a question they can't answer or an inconsistency they can't explain.

What I have discovered is that Christianity is WORLDVIEW TRANSCENDENT. The affirmation of the faith, apart from a 'personal relationship,' is found throughout the other domains of reality. In other words, I have found validation for God in neuroscience, genetics, biology, technological discovery, etc. This isn't a "God is in the rocks and the oceans" kind of thing, but that most everything that God stated in his Book, or that we were told "not to do" has grounding across all of these real-world domains.

Then I have discovered many more things, such as the fundamentals of ART at the foundational starting point in the ATOM, or that the Christian Worldview is the only worldview that correlates to how a scriptwriter writes a story (hint, a scriptwriter is GOD in their world, and how they engage characters is precisely how God operates in the real world.) My "faith" is transcendent of the Book, the Book merely affirms every other aspect of life and vice versa.

Now, I'm not trying to promote my own writings, but I can show how this has worked in my life through all of my writings on Medium. I'd love for you to read the articles that get the most visceral response out of you from their titles, and then read them and see how little of what I say is designed to provoke, or even promote my worldview.

Thanks so much for reaching out. And I too was trapped in the Religious culture of fear and control. I just realized that Christianity is far more wondrous than few realize, if most Christians would just get out of the freaking way, maybe the world could see it more clearly.


Creative Design

Here are two of my favorite recent projects. We work on about 20-40 projects during any given month, so expect a lot more visual imagery here each month. Here is a project for LITT Cocktails in India.



This is the book I am currently working on. It sounds pretty outlandish, doesn’t it? But Hollywood, stripping away the glitz and glamour, is just a business that promotes STORY TELLING. It is that understanding that allows us to see how everything that Hollywood uses as standards in storytelling and scriptwriting uncover the wonder and reality of how the God of the Universe operates and sees us.

By taking a look at various aspects of Hollywood’s offerings we are given a far clearer and more relevant view of a God and a religious system that Hollywood itself seems to discount and demean. The book is current in the works.


Custom Portrait Art

I have been a passionate artist ever since I read Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain as a young student. With 30 years of agency ownership, I’ve developed the skills and talents to not merely create great artwork, but art that inspires and flows in composition, color and aesthetic texturing.

Inspired by artists like Patrick Nagel and Malika Favre, I have created my own fashion/glamour niche with these varied styles of female art. If you are looking for a unique way to showcase your book, poster, products or promotional material, I will work furiously until I have created the perfect piece for your needs.

Extra Visions


Here’s a chance to support another creative member of the family: my 17 year old daughter Rachel. She has invented this incredibly fun social game called Scratch That! Just click on the link below to visit the game site. This is one of five of her games so be prepared to see more here soon.

Even More…